monalisa senzani

3wIn job search
  • United States, Austin

Goal-oriented IT leader with advanced planning, program management and team leadership skills. Decisive and hardworking with advanced communication and relationship-building strengths. Experienced with topnotch implementation and project management abilities. Highly organized, methodical and skilled at overseeing daily milestones across high-performance teams. Well-versed in planning and... deployment. more

  • Assist a core team in the development and implementation of Quality
  • Management System
  • Ensure that PCL is certified by relevant National and International bodies
  • Ensure that PCL's Staff are implementing and monitoring Quality Management
  • United States, Austin
  • Software development
  • ICT
  • IT
  • Bachelor of science in Information and Communication Technology  at   Exploits university  
  • 2022 -
  • software development in java is my primary area of focus and am actively working on being productive by expanding my skillset to become a valuable asset in this field.

Ogbebor Emmanuel

1wIn job search
  • United States
  • Data Science
  • Design
  • Software development
  • Adobe Photoshop
  • ICT
  • illustrator
  • Photoshop
  • Python Programming Language
  • United States
  • Customer service
  • Engineering
  • Security
  • System administration
  • ICT
  • IT
  • IT Security Analyst  at   Smeeple  
  • 2024 -
  • IT Security Compliance Engineer  at   Wildflower Health  
  • March, 2021 - November, 2023
  • United States, Austin
  • Software development
  • ICT
  • IT
  • IT Intern (Innovation champion) at   NICO Technologies  
  • July, 2023 - March, 2024
  • Research and analysis of systems in use
  • Innovative solutions to enhance current systems
  • Develop software solutions for the company group
  • Conduct new systems’ trainings and support for the company group
  • United States, Forney
  • ICT
  • IT
  • United States
  • Design
  • Product management
  • Software development
  • Teaching
  • ICT
  • Web & Computer Programming at   BYU Pathway  
  • January, 2024 - August, 2023
  • United States, Cleveland
  • Data Science
  • Design
  • Healthcare
  • ICT
  • IT
  • United States
  • ICT
  • IT
  • United States, Clifton
  • Adobe Photoshop
  • ICT
  • illustrator
  • IT