
Proactive frontend web developer with over 9 years of experience and talent backend developer with over 6 years of experience. A proven track record of architecting, optimized developing, and implementing interactive websites.


  • Business Development
  • Data Science
  • Engineering
  • Project Management
  • IT
  • SEO


mingxing wang

Work experience
  • Worked as a front web developer to develop the new Keeper version as a social site for memorial by using Chakra UI and styled components.
  • Use react-queries to prevent refetch apis
  • Skills: Next, Redux, React-Query, ChakraUI, Python, Lambda

mingxing wang

Work experience
  • FullStack Web developer at   Bitwage
  • Developed Bitwage admin app, client app and payment app with React for frontend and aws serverless (python and node) for backend
  • Migrate the React project to Next for SEO and to reduce initial page loading time, use several hooks and custom hooks for functional component reusablecode, to avoid repetitive use utils service, integrate scss and Styled components for reusable components. Use static site building and SSR.
  • Skills: apiGateway, graphQL, Apollo, node, AWS, lambda, S3, dynamoDB,
  • React, Angular, redux, next, styled-components, chakra-ui, scss, useContext

mingxing wang

Work experience
  • Developed the company real estate project for eastern Asian hotels as a full stack web developer
  • Solve big data connection by developing pipeline to integrate different
  • collections
  • Developed pixel perfect, responsive and well designed frontend with safe action, reusable components, non-repetitive functions for high cwv, cls score.
  • Reduce page loading time by using lazy-loading, handle complex states by combining redux and context api.
  • Skills: mongoDB, node, express, mongoose, react, redux, Angular,
  • AngularJS

mingxing wang

Work experience
  • Worked as a full stack web developer for the part of the company web site for over 5 year.
  • Provided high quality and responsiveness with clean, reusable and scalable code
  • Maintain the part of the company website and improve the website building speed and add items for communication app.
  • (use skills: php, javascript, codeigniter, mySQL, html, css, jQuery)